First debuted in 2011, the 10-year Snowfl ake Wishes series celebrates 2019 with the wish for Prosperity, a seasonal theme with universal appeal that transcends geographical boarders and embraces all cultures. This affl uent idea is brought to life with a Clear Champagne Flute, DOF and Snowfl ake ornament. A Prestige Edition Lime Champagne Flute and DOF complete the assortment. The featured cutting pattern, Castlemaine, is the namesake of a town in Kerry, Ireland, whose verdant, green Slieve Mish mountains are recalled in the lime green hue of this year’s fl ute. Aspirations for growth and success to cover the earth like snowfl akes are illuminated in this ninth edition, wishes for Prosperity. The perfect gift for any collector, all items are beautifully presented in a signature silver Snowfl ake Wishes box.

Product Features

  • 2019 Ornament